Monday, January 7, 2013

Truth is.. I'd rather have clutter!

"Truth is, I'd rather have clutter..." (moms especially, please read)
I've been annoyed by the clutter in the house over the last few weeks, actually it ALWAYS bothers me! I try to tell myself to just relax and enjoy life... That if I spend all my time cleaning all the clutter, I'll miss my children growing up. Most days I manage and then occasionally I have a meltdown. Yes, I have clutter! Lots of clutter... The living room is always home to blankets and pillows and toys and shoes and school papers... The kitchen almost always has a cup on the table or one in the sink. My kids' rooms are not perfect, my room is not perfect... Probably nothing is ever perfect. And it bothers me... I have heart palpitations at the thought of company... And that must change! My New Year's Resolution is to just relax and enjoy it! My babies are growing up so fast! Now, don't get me wrong... We'll still clean up, but I'm not going to waste all my energy worrying over it... I don't want a messy house, but I'm also not going to expect perfection anymore! Because the truth is... I'd rather have clutter! I took this photo today to remind me of this... For weeks this little nook in my foyer has been cluttered with backpacks, coats, hats, scarves, a trumpet case, shoes, etc. AND it has driven me nuts to look at it and walk past it. Until this morning... And this is what I saw... One lonely scarf. The kids went back to school. There were no giggles and laughter in the living room, no whispers down the hall... So looking at that one lonely scarf made me cry. I'd rather have clutter! One day I won't have 3 little children to mess up the house, to leave fingerprints on my glass door, to clutter up my fridge with art... And I'll miss it! I'll long for it... So today, I'd rather have clutter and I can't wait for my kids to get home to mess up the house! So be prepared friends... When you visit me this year, you'll most likely see clutter! And that will mean that I'm relaxing and enjoying life!!! And most importantly, I'm enjoying my kids!!! ♥

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